Extra Ordinary

By PhilippaJ


I do like a nice bit of customer service and a nice bit of luck - today I had both. My phone developed a fault, I took it to the Apple store (ohhhh, such pretty shiney things there, Will and I had great fun while we were waiting) and they gave me a new phone in a very smiley, friendly manner. Today was the very last, last day of a year warranty, hence the luck, I have great hopes for the lottery on Saturday. Obv 2013 is meant to be a good year (I am an eternal optimist, therefore I refuse to believe if I was truly lucky the phone wouldnt have broken in the first place. And the Apple people on the phone and in the shop were really, really nice - other companies should take note)

Managed to leave the shop without a big bag full of lovely, shiney thngs. Am quite tempted to actually go and work there now, everyone was so happy.

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