Snacks at Culswick

A sunny morning, but clouded over by lunch, and misty over the hills.  It's been fairly calm, and warm.

A day off work, and slept a bit longer than planned!  I finally got going, and most of the morning was spent on house chores.  Popped by Madeline's, as they got home today from holidays.  Met up with mam and bro Jonny, and we headed for a walk in the afternoon.  I headed to the peat hill after tea.  I had planned a good few hours there, but the midgies were rife!   Mission aborted after an hour.  More walkies with Sammy, and then feet up.

I met up with mam, bro Jonny, da twins, friend Kerry and her bairns, and headed out west for a walk.  A fine day for a walk, and finally got to the broch.  The bairns had a great time exploring and playing about the broch.  After a walk and play, must needed refreshments were had.  Here's Isaiah, Alex and Jonny, at the Culswick Broch.  

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