Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

A View from Rishton across to Pendle Hill.

As the door to August figuratively opened, I was up at 7:30am and the sky was a beautiful blue and morning light was coming in.
The walk I went on was with an open mind to try and find some aspect of beauty.There is so much of beauty and tells a good story of life in Rishton.
It did very fortunately include seeing two Peacock butterflies on a shrub of white buddleia. They will be posted on my 365project if you wish to see these butterflies. I am grace55 there too.
I was thankful and awestruck, as they were the first ones I had seen this year.The butterfly is so amazing and the Painted Lady flies rapidly over incredible distances.
It is pleasant here at 20c and sunny. The wind turbines are turning around.
I am very sad indeed to have heard about the loss of sheep from a sheep farm in the Yorkshire Dales, Thank the Good Lord for animals who were saved including a sheep dog, quite miraculously and a brave horse.
The power of water to transform can be spiritual, as in Baptism, in cleansing,  as in washing, or devastating as in the flooding of yesterday.
I hope the Yorkshire farmers are being given appropriate practical ongoing help and prayers as well..
From the Bible:
"The Lord is my portion...
I hope in Him."
Lamentations 3:24.

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