No I’m not going mad!!

Well I’m not about to post a photo of the interior of a hospital so I thought I should do a running series on the mountain ash at 7.00am on Shipley Road :). I’m sure many of my blip buddies know how gruelling hospitals can be. You just have to have a very strong mindset and just chip chip away at the day. Happy to say there’s every chance that CCN will be coming home with me tomorrow. It’s been a very torrid experience this time for my wonderful friend and I think it’s about time she came back to Wombat Hollow for some TLC!

I had to race home for a short time today to organise the carpet layer who is carpeting the guest room. The under carpet heating will go in on Friday AM and the carpet that afternoon. I’m hoping it will eventually be a very cosy bedroom and will be somewhat of a game changer and there will be a lot less stair climbing for CCN. I have added a couple of photos of the work in progress today and will take a couple more on Friday when the work is completed.

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