
My Dear Fellows & Dear Princess Normal,

Are we boring?

I ask this because today Caro told me all about what was happening with her friends while she was in Mount Maunganui. She'd previously kept the updates to herself, because she was struggling with her cold and couldn't be arsed.


I'm not one to gossip but my god, the goings on in suburban New Zealand. Physical altercations, family dramas, drugs, revelations and a pregnancy scare.

I was quite worn out. It was like an entire season of "Home & Away" all in ten minutes.

"I'm so glad we are really effing boring," said Caro. "I consider it a big weekend for us if we watch an episode of 'Taggart'."

We were trying to figure out if we have always been boring, or whether boringness has stolen up on us in our middle age.

I have to tell you, I think I've ALWAYS been boring. And Caro too. 

We were talking about our first weekend together, back in 1999. I mean, it was exciting and all that, being with someone new, but I seem to think all we did that weekend was watch telly and eat pizza. I made about three trips to the video store* and we just stayed in pyjamas for three days straight. 

"It felt like home," said Caro. 

I felt the same way too. I mean, obviously it WAS my home, but it just felt very natural Caro being there. And we've been really effing dull ever since. We just don't DO things. We don't have affairs, we don't take drugs, we don't murder people, we've never been abducted by aliens and neither one of us has an Evil Twin.

But up north, they seem to thrive on drama. I don't know how they do it. 

I'm quite worn out hearing all that. I think I need a nap. In the meantime, here is a picture of Mr. Excitement himself, playing with a piece of string.


* Note for young people: A video store is an old fashioned thing. It was a bit like Netflix but you had to put on pyjama bottoms and leave the actual house. We had it hard. 

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