home sweet home

After an eventful holiday, it was good to get home.
Munchie slept nearly all the way home which was good as she needed to catch up on some zzzz and also helped with the slow journey we had. Wom slept too, but then really struggled to get to sleep tonight.

This holiday has made us aware of many things
How great the site were in helping us when Munchie was poorly and needed to see a GP
How great our NHS is - 2 visits to them and 4 phonecalls to us getting her sorted (poor love has E Coli and has been quite poorly with it) but the docs have been so kind and caring.
We have great friends and all the children loved being away together - they would just wander between the two tents
That the Isle of Wight is beautiful and there is still so much of it we need to explore (we have done virtually nothing all week aside from chill on the beach)
and how much I enjoyed seeing the delight on the tinkers faces when they spotted the characters,
Happy Days

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