By JAM28


A day of variety today. Up early to drive to a swimming spot with our hosts before anyone else arrived. We walked down loads of steep steps down the cliff face to a spot where there was a high diving board for Young Master M to jump off and even Mr M had a go. YMM climbed even further up the cliffs to jump off and be filmed on his new toy (‘GoPro’) and I looked away! We all swam in the crystal clear water to another cave with electric blue water and then swam round to the bay in the main picture.
After coffee and ice cream at the taverna we drove back to the house for lunch on the terrace (top right), still pinching ourselves at the magnificent view.
In the afternoon we swam in the pool, read and practised our pool volleyball skills which are coming on (now up to 71 but still a long way off the 169 target).
Then a neighbour came round to practise singing with Master M - she’s doing karaoke with him on Monday evening at a club and wanted to practise!We all joined in round the pool singing ‘Killing Me Softly’ and ‘Wonderful Tonight’. I can honestly say it was one of the most surreal experiences of my life!
Mr M cooked us a wonderful tea which we ate under the grape vine and then we all went for a evening walk taking in more lovely views and a gorgeous sunset.
Great day.

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