All you need is love

So, Oliver-not-Cleo has, in less than a month, gone from "hissy hissy don't come near me" to "duh yeah, I like head rubs and doing a figure eight around your legs, but mostly I like showing my tummy when it's full so I'm just gonna crash under your rattan rocker for, well, like, all day if that's ok" and all it took was the safe haven of my patio and three square a day for a few short weeks. Still roughed up and in a sorry state physically, the character change in this sweet sad boy is heart warming and wrenching simultaneously as I know he faces a long winter without what I've been able to recently provide. Thinking about that to search for solutions..... 

Meanwhile in other news, today was a hot one, but unlike when I'm home in the UK, here, I have air-conditioning and a swimming pool !  A day spent leisurely doing not much at all, interspersed with pool time. An evening in Didim for dinner at an Indian restaurant with Sally, Claire and Graham. Nice food, fun company, balmy temperatures. Not bad for a Thursday.  

Oliver-not-Cleo agrees. 

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