Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Summer in the Piggy Park.

It is a gloriously hot Summer day and 22c in Rishton.
I have enjoyed a lovely walk with my camera, essentially looking for blip material, and butterflies, as I am doing the Big Butterfly Count.
Then I walked to the community food growing project we call The Piggy Park.I was so delighted to see the wonderful results of the tireless work those in the project do. It was about three years ago they got planning permission to convert a park that was not used that much.
The information board shows some of the wildlife seen there.
Local schools use the project for learning about ecology and how to plant seeds, nurture them and tend the produce.
Have a wonderful day and take care in the sun.
I always wear a hat and sun glasses and only out in the mornings as the rays are strong .
From the Bible:
"God shall supply all your needs."
Philippians 4:19.

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