Exciting Day...!!!

Quite unexpectedly my cousins wife phoned me last night to say had I heard that Olivia Newton John was coming to Newbridge Silverware today to open an exhibition of outfits from various movies at the Museum Of Style Icons....
And would I like to come..??
So, no I hadn’t, and yes I would very much like to come...!
So we went and had a great time...this is just a small collection of the photos..
She was very generous to her fans...signing Albums and books and also to the press photographers, posing for a picture with them...
Third one is Moi with the famous Pink Cadillac from Grease..
And a collection of Newbridge Silverware’s very popular Rose Teaset.!
We didn’t see the clothes but will go back another day...
She looked great although we were told that she is sick again..the cancer having returned...
She plans to auction all the outfits when the tour of exhibiting them is over and some of the proceeds will go to her Cancer Wellness and Research Centre..!
She is a formidable lady.

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