
By zippyhippy

A New Beginning!

For the second year in a row, I was fast asleep by the time the bells chimed to herald the arrival of 2013. I wanted to get up early and firstly put some miles into my running bank and secondly get out and back before everybody was up which means I got to spend the whole day with the girls. I would say that New Year's day is probably the only day in the year that there are no distractions whatsoever from daily life - it's a bit of a cliché but good quality time with your kids cannot be bettered.

I am an absolute sucker for a stat so decided to tally up how many classes and which ones I did the most. No surprise that RPM came out top. I was surprised about how many Body Pump classes that I had done. It's not my favourite class but I do appreciate the benefits that it brings to my routine.

So to resolutions for 2013 - I pledge to run 3 times a week in preperation for the mighty Deerstalker and for my long term goal of perhaps running a marathon in 2014. I want to increase my weekly mileage to prepare my body for the stress that running over 26 miles will bring. Wonder what this list will look like on the 1st January 2014!

Have a great 2013 blippers!

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