The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Up To Scratch

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The joy of walking into the hairdresser’s salon and fessing up that you have just treated for lice! Thankfully the lovely Lorena wasn’t bothered. She didn’t find anything and I felt very relieved that yesterday I had decided to check. Just in case. It’s really not news I would have wanted to hear from Lorena*. Rationally, I know it shouldn’t be embarrassing but it’s a bit like someone telling you that you have a bogey hanging down. You just don’t want it to happen.

Also, what is it about talking about lice that makes everyone feel itchy? It’s making me itch now writing this!

You’re itchy now too. Aren’t you?


*she said that she’s never had to tell anyone

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