Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Heart of a rose

This rose, Climbing Peace and the Jackmanii Clematis are against the side of the house and both always look good, but today after the rain and in a brief moment of calm they look gorgeous.
Sunday today, we had a priest from St John's celebrating. I've met her before and like me she has had a love affair with India. In fact, ridiculously, we have, completely independently, some friends in Chennai in common.
After church we went up to St Michael's to pick some blackcurrants from a friend's garden. We came away with gooseberries and some salad veg too, thank you very much John and Anna. We then went up to Dundee to help out a friend's wife with some furniture moving but that ended up not happening so it was home again, ahead of the rain and back in time to bring in the dry towels before it stated to rain.
We picked up Marvin from the Kennels, he seems to be quite happy, Ali and Stuart get back from Dublin later this evening, their flight has just been labelled as going to be 45 minutes late in leaving. That happened last time she and I came back from Dublin too.

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