The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

New Year

Both Jewish and Christian texts use the simple mustard seed to demonstrate how something small can grow to be the largest plant in the garden, or how small and insignificant we are in the huge universe we live in. Slightly different parables, but we get the point.

This mustard seed belonged to my mom and was given to her when she was very young, to remind her to never give up on her dream of becoming a nurse. My mom grew up on a dairy farm with Russian immigrant parents, and left home at a young age in order to attend a "real" school rather than a one room school house. She was the only one of four children to attend college.

As we leave 2012 behind us and enter a new year, this tiny mustard seed represents hope for new growth and achievement, even when things look like they will never move forward in a positive manner.

With that, I wish you all a blessed and healthy 2013!

Much love and a Blipfilled New Year,

aka The Love Child

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