The Love Child Chronicles

By lovechild

Lost In Space

"Space. The final frontier....." William Shatner's voice will resonate in my mind's ears forever. The Starship Enterprise zoomed into my life and captured my heart for many years. In fact, I still watch old re-runs of Star Trek to this day, and love every minute of it.

My sister Ruby and I used to watch the show together. We had our favorite episodes, the cheezier, the better.

This pin is a parody of one of Captain Kirk's most famous lines, and brings back many memories of hours spent imagining my own place on that famous starship, and my passion for astronomy and outer space.

Many new generations of Star Trek have been born since the original. I must admit that I loved Captain Picard and his crew, but for famous one liners, nothing beats the original.

I leave you with the Vulcan farewell, made best with my left hand.

May you live long and prosper.

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