Keep Your Eyes on the Prize

Yesterday was an official blip milestone that I completely overlooked because I was focused on the concept of the end of the year as my 2-year blip anniversary; I forgot about leap year and how it throws the numbers off. I consider today my 2 year blip-versary. And I can make a good case for it being a three year commemoration, since I did my first year on (gasp) another site. Today, December 31 is my 1,096th photo journal entry. I count the first year. Definitely.

However you figure, it's been a fine ride, full of discovery, excitement, frustration, joy, annoyance, and wonder. I'm amazed at the friends I've made through this strange activity, I'm delighted with the global connections, the exchanges of information, the stunning images I can sift through on a daily basis. A very big thanks to BlipCentral for making this happen every day for all of us.

I started this thing to make sure I wouldn't forget how to use Photoshop after I stopped taking classes at the local college. I think I've honored that goal pretty well, and then some. At first I only shared my site with one friend, and the entries were our little long-distance communications. Then I started telling a few other folks, and by the time I joined blipfoto I had lost my shyness about sharing my images. I started writing more. And I've had three shows using the material I gathered on my daily shoots.

So Happy Anniversary to me. Thanks to everyone who has scrolled through here over the years. See you next year, or tomorrow, whichever comes first!

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