fun day

Whoah! this has been a long day, and I seem to have spent a great deal of it watching sport. We don't have a TV at home, so this is something I rarely do, but Finals are always special and my Dad and brother are big cricket fans, so we spent the afternoon switching between Lords and Wimbledon on a seesaw of emotional at its best and most enjoyable, I'd say.

Dad and I went to church this morning and it was a service where the children did the reading, prayers, offering and  singing as well as dressing up and acting out the story of the Good Samaritan. Then Fr John (who had brought his dog Sophie to church) helped them to give out certificates of thanks to everyone who did good things for others (turned out to be the whole congregation) and then encouraged us all to go out and do an act of gratuitous kindness every day, which he said would make Uckfield a nicer place.

It seemed already like a nice place when I went out after lunch and came upon the Fun Day organised by all the local churches as the finale to the Uckfield Festival, which has run all week. I was mesmerised by these huge bubbles and enjoyed the challenge of trying to photograph the children's reactions to them. Not an easy task!

Tomorrow I'm going on a day out - watch this space :-)

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