Sprung from cages out on Highway 9

Maybe not Highway 9, but the - A77 South to Girvan

We pulled up in the local garden centre and spotted this fine machine with attachments. Baby above was not driving but providing back seat entertainment on the trike.

We were kinda confused and walked in wondering who drives a bike like that..... and shops in a garden centre on a Sunday!

We couldn’t see anyone. There were no biker dudes are far as we could see, no leather clad grandma’s with blue rinses

and we left; saddened we hadn’t spotted them. There were two old geezers admiring the bike when we got out... one in a nice blue checked shirt -the other in a black tee.

Good afternoon they nodded. We nodded back ‘something else eh?’ And then I looked closer. Old dude in black tee had the devil printed on his tee on a bike - amidst the grey hair I spotted an earring... and then he clicked the baby seat opened and took out two leather jackets and the pair of them got ready for the off!

You can’t read a book by its cover.

For sure

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