And all that I knew was

Apologies for the shot, but I have no qualms about my belly.

Today is my hysterversary.

Fourteen years ago today I underwent my hysterectomy to ‘rid me of my female problems’.

Whilst undergoing the hysterectomy the doctors discovered what I had expected and asked for help with all along - a horrific case of level 4 endometriosis.

My womb and ovaries were stuck to my upper bowel and back and cervix, they had to cut away my womb and Fallopian tubes and ovaries in pieces and then stitch me back up.

I had never been so grateful in all my life.

Since 1986 I had been repeatedly back and forth at the doctors - I was treated for constipation, irritable bowel and wind. Nothing made it better - somethings made it worse.

At the worst point walking was severely restricted as I could feel a ripping sensation when I walked.

I was up and working again within 5 weeks of my hysterectomy and life just got better!

The problems of such severe endo did not disappear - but the majority of them did!

An anniversary worth celebrating - so we have!!

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