Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Or Maybe Not?

At the bottom of the High Street in Melrose, there is a rather superior butcher's shop.  I do occasionally go in, drawn by the very attractive display of pies - all sizes and shapes and the contents ranging from venison to haggis. (The irony and the attraction being that these already cooked, so no further effort required.)

Did you spot the mention of haggis on the shop front?  They used to advertise tours of the nearby hills to view the little creatures in their habitat, but those notices have disappeared. Spoil-sports!

(Just in case anyone is wondering, the haggis is one of Scotland's famous beasts. Like the Loch Ness Monster and the Unicorn (our National Animal!) sightings are infrequent nowadays, but helped by liberal consumption of the national tipple.)

Well it is Saturday ......... thank you Admirer for challenging us to be Silly.

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