Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

In Clover?

We have a fine crop of clover in our garden this summer. We  didn't plant it, so I guess it qualifies as a wild flower, along with the buttercups, daisies, and prunella. They're all living relics of the days when this was a field grazed by sheep, I suppose. There's not much grass to be seen at the moment, and what there is is brown.

It all smells wonderful, and when I picked a few heads and brought them in to photograph them with the extension tubes on the camera on the tripod, the scent, close-up, is quite exotic!

When I was thinking of a caption, out of nowhere came the first line of a song 'Roll Me Over In the Clover'. I looked on YouTube, where it came up as 'the dirtiest song in the world'.  I had no idea - I was probably about 8 the last time I heard it ......

So I settled on 'In Clover', which means 'living a life of luxury'. Ha ha!

Thanks to Miranda1008 for hosting WildFlowerWeek, and to BikerBear for hosting FlowerFriday.

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