Life through the lens...

By ValC

Bedraggled Blackbird

Taking shelter under the garden table.
Even the blackbird is fed up of the weather!
Stayed there for ages, until nextdoor's cat came a chased it away!

Sorry about the poor quality of the photo, which was taken through the window, and it was pouring down!
A wet and windy New Years Eve Day.

Glad we are staying in and having friends round for a meal.

M doesn't like fancy food, and no cheese, so I'm cooking a Steak and Kidney pudding, with roasted parsnips, carrots and potatoes, Red cabbage, mashed potatoes, and peas.
Followed by cheese and biscuits (for the rest of us)
Then some M&S Petit Fours
2 orange cakes,
2 almond cakes
2 tarte au citron
2 chocolate and hazelnut tartlets
2 raspberry tartlets
2 cherry tartlets
Just hope they are as good as they look on the box!
(I will let you know)

Have a good New Years Eve everyone!

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