am bioran

By AmBioran


It was difficult to choose a picture to upload today, so many of them were worthy. The weather has been absolutely stunning all day which allowed us to take an exhilarating cliff top walk in north-west Skye. The views along the coastline from 200m high cliffs of basalt were fantastic made even better by the backdrop of the Western Isles across the Minch. We could see from South Uist to Lewis and all in between. 

This male Wheatear tried hard to warn us off but posed kindly for a photograph. 

Later I took a wee walk to Ramasaig Cliff and watched a sea eagle patrol the cliffs for at least 20minutes before returning to its eyrie halfway up the crag of Waterstein Head. 

My ankle is painful, but I wore boots today and used poles. Lateral movement is bad, but if I place my foot carefully it is bearable. 

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