
By Madchickenwoman


I decided on a cool walk along the river outside Tavistock today. Unfortunatly not only were we greeted by a horse and it's foal, but by a group of people with two dogs! Oscar was very well behaved thankfully, and once we got into the woods I let him off his lead to play. Dogs being dogs they had to race back to us and I was in fear that Oscar was going to bowl them over, particularly the rather elderly gent with a cane! I put him back on the lead! This was very fortunate for we met another horse round  bend! The other people took the fork to the left so Oscar had more play off lead before I spotted another person with dogs and he was back on it! He will still race off to greet other dogs and as he is so big and so friendly I can't just let him go - he is quite intimidating to other dogs and owners! It wasn't the restful walk I'd anticipated!
I stopped for a few bits at Lidl and then as it was hot headed home. Only when I got home did I remember I wanted Yakult which was why I had gone for the Tavistock walk - it is only stocked in Morrisons  or Waitrose in the other direction from me and an even longer drive! I will have to do that tomorrow, and pick up some locusts for Gunther!
I love how Oscar is blending in with his surroundings!

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