'Godo Uckl Ropo Manhu'

When he turned up in the sky
I thought he looked like the sort of guy
whose first words might be
‘Keta etmo yuro e redla’
which would probably translate
as  ‘Take me to your leader.’

Sure enough
‘Keta etmo yuro e redla’
he said, in a voice
that sounded both musical and tough.

Given the current situation in the UK
I felt acute embarrassment
and wasn’t sure what to say.
I showed him photos of Johnson and Hunt,
and of Putin and Trump
in case he wanted to try his luck elsewhere,
but he turned his face away
and stared into space.

I think he received a message from above
and it was clear he was to linger no longer here.
He gazed at me sadly.
‘Godo uckl ropo manhu,’ he said.
And was gone.

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