You Are On Level 2, Southbank, London

Had a half day today so decided to head to the Southbank to be near the river and a bit more of a breeze. It was so nice to be out of my studio, free of deadlines and just enjoying taking photographs. As today's main title suggests part of the Southbank is on various levels and I just happened to spot this woman and her child. For a moment she was absorbed by her phone and her little girl was running around her like a dervish, exploring the level and all the different surfaces and sights.
The second image, " Burying The Union On The Beach", just struck me as a metaphor for our present situation, plus I absolutely loved his brilliant beard and cap. As for the third image, I really liked that this grown man had built this sandcastle and was tending to it so carefully - embracing his inner child.
On my walk back from Southbank to Victoria I suddenly realised I was a bit tight for time to make it for my train home, so I started to run/walk and then, right at the end, sprint. Unfortunately,not having my bloody glasses on I , very sweatily, heaved myself along the wrong, bloody platform. By the time I got to the correct one I was about thirty seconds late and the platform staff wouldn't let me on the train. I was then a wee bit rude, but after a minute or so I calmed down and apologised for being an idiot. It was all my own fault for not getting there sooner. So, all in all, a good adventure but I'm now completely knackered and need a glass of wine, or two!

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