Homemade Summer School

Joha and I are splitting looking after the kids for the month of July...today was my day with them... we had a hot sweaty time in the park first thing...then did some art (more pompom garlands) and ended up in a little cafe for a juice and slice of home-made pizza...
Late afternoon Asha and I headed to a school friends to set up for the little surprise baby shower for Bruna. She was so shocked bless her, and loved the gifts! As a little group we'd got towels, a beautiful blanket and bibs with the baby's name beautifully sewn onto everything. Natalia organised the gift and she did a great job. We had a lovely afternoon sat around Carol and Sergio's pool whilst the kids swam and the parents talked. I felt sad, so sad, to hear that gorgeous vibrant Brazilian Bruna who has lived here 18 years, has practically no friends outside of this school circle. We need to look after each other.
Asha and I walked home and got back late...lovely to spend a bit of 1-1 time with her.

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Splitting July with Joha.
2) This circle of school friends.
3) Everyone really making the effort for Bruna. 

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