Windswept Artist

The joy and frustration of this cafe is the cooling but blustery breeze! The temp is between 38-40 degrees recently (plus humidity!), so any breeze and shade are very welcome, but for a budding artist like Nate, it's also a pain!

We met with Joha and Isabel first thing...we're hoping to divide and conquer the summer holidays, so we've worked out who is having the kids which days and what we'll do with them (loosely). 

This afternoon Asha and I made lots of pompom garlands for a little surprise baby shower we're doing tomorrow. Fun!

Today I'm grateful for;
1) Seeing a fair few homeless friends whilst out and about today...had some good conversations.
2) Creativity with Asha.
3) Hearing about Danny's afternoon/evening in prison.

Just realised today is my 7 year blip!! So wish I'd done something significant for it, but this is probably much more representative of life and photography at the moment - a quick snap of the boy!
Grateful for blip and how it's changed my views and perspectives on life, how it's become a great discipline and connected me with all sorts of folk...grateful for your lovely comments and beautiful photos...grateful for this place!

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