Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Water Under the Bridge

This is the Eddleston Water, also known as the Cuddy, as it flows through Peebles on its way to join the River Tweed. The remains of a ford are visible, and the reflection of the modern footbridge.

I'd just left my car at the garage to have something done to one of the airbags - this is the second time it has been recalled to have this fault fixed. It's an eighty mile round trip to the main dealer's to have it done, so we decided to make it a day out.

It started well, bright and sunny, and we 'd gone about half way when we came on a diversion which took us miles and miles off the route. This could have been avoided by using the minor roads - if there had been any prior warning. TM's mood wasn't improved, he likes to keep to a schedule.

But we got there, via Whitmuir Organics for lunch, a browse in the Dancing Light Gallery (where I resisted all temptation, though I saw some very pretty fused-glass birds), and a bit of food shopping. 

Car delivered, we had a wander round town and a look in the charity shops where I found five newish paperbacks to top up my holiday reading. The folks of Peebles have good taste in literature.

There's a little pend off the High Street with a shop at the end which has a great stained glass window in the door.  I've tried to photograph it before and I can never find the right light. So I'm posting it as an extra, I think it's the best I'm going to get. I wonder what kind of bells they hung?

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