Lost magic!

One morning in a corner of Fairyland forest, two little fairies woke up to find their wands had gone missing!
Instead of happily flying about making wishes come
true all day, they were well and truly grounded and it was so boring they didn't know what else to do.

Two little squirrels hopped by looking rather sad too. They had hidden the wands in a hollow log nearby, hoping to steal some magic but it just didn't work. You see  wands are very personal and only work for their true owners so the sad little wands just lay in the log and sulked.
The very next morning the fairies were woken by the 2 naughty squirrels, bringing the wands back. "Look what we found!" they said, winking at one another.

The fairies were overjoyed and the next time the squirrels wanted a wish granted, they just asked instead of trying to steal the magic.

c.Julie Duell 2019

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