River of Flowers

By doffy

Sunday: Dragonfly and Roses ...

... and the fancy new secateurs MrD bought me, think he got fed up of trying to use my cheappo Aldi ones which are almost blunt!
Weather erratic today: windy, blazing sunshine then cold ... I’m feeling slightly under the weather. Didn’t get much sleep last night, a neighbour near the main road had started a bonfire at dusk, wind was blowing over to our house and I could see and smell smoke, despite my worst fears no sign of damage but my black car is covered in flecks of wood ash added to the Sahara desert sand ...
Dragonfly is extra photo and was flying around the front garden whilst I was picking some old fashioned roses for myself. Does anyone know what type of dragonfly it might be?
MrD went on a BikeSafe course run by Wales Police, he enjoyed the day and said he’d learnt a lot.
I finally experimented with a gluten free pizza dough base, it looked very sloppy and I didn’t have much faith in it but it was both easy and very tasty and uncomplicated. Also made some currant buns with the spare egg yolks and remaining half of dough, they are very nice too! :-))
Watched Kylie at Glastonbury - she’s very good.
Goodnight all x

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