
By TBay

The bug.

I enjoy growing Orchids and up to now have never had any problems with them. However the above little blighter had set up camp on one of my girls. After a search on the internet they appear to be scale insects of some kind. Now I know what they are I can take action!

Farming - oh boy! This season just keep getting more complicated. As every other farm in the area needs their Silage/ grass dealt with it is creating huge pressure on us and the staff. We are finding it increasingly difficult to get staff when we need as everyone else also needs extra help . Mr Tbay Jnr is under a lot of pressure poor lad. It will be a bloody week ahead methinks. Today was Silaging , but it had taken considerably longer as the runs from field to Silage pit have been very long. This in turn had meant he has not been able to finish this farm today. This will have a knock on effect for next week. To add insult to injury, Mr Tbay took the fuel bowser out to the boys. He got there and then his car wouldn’t start! A flat battery, so I then headed off to him to take the jump leads. Grrrrr!

It has been very warm here until about 5pm when the wind direction changed and a much cooler feel arrived.just hope that the dry spell continues.

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