
Eloise and I went for a very HOT stroll today on Exmoor. The car said it was 21 degrees but with the sun shining it seemed to be a lot hotter.  We'd packed picnic and strolled on the path to Cow Castle. The river Barle winds along the valley and looked very inviting! We got as far as Wheal Eliza and decided we'd sit down at the next shady patch for lunch.  After that we strolled home,  so getting to the 'castle' will have to wait for another day.  It was humid so not pleasant strolling!  we went on the Scottish cow hunt - no success - but did end up at the top of Porlock Hill where there just happens to be delicious farm ice cream van.  Well, we had to didn't we? Strolled around a bit more before heading home.  A lovely day and both E and self took  a few shots! She loves my camera - luckily I have two bodies and two lenses so she gets first pick and does take some cracking, different shots.

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