Red Squirrel


Bird's Breakfast


At the table: Left, on the peanuts, a Sparrow. 2nd left, on the nyjer seed, a Chaffinch and a Goldfinch, 2nd from right on the back seed feeder a Long-tailed tit, far right on the fat-balls a Blue-tit.

I was hoping to take a run to Foxley wood today, but the weather put paid to that. It's been grey, drizzling and very windy. Ptah!!

Instead I've been getting on with some stuff which my conscience has been nagging me about for ages. This morning I filled up the bird feeders. It wasn't long before the bird-table was occupied. Sparrows, Blue-tits and Finches were either on the table or tucked into the surrounding bushes waiting a turn - at times mid air altercations taking place as to who should be next. I decided to grab some shots through the kitchen window. It's at times like this I really DO wish I had a decent DSLR ......

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