Red Squirrel


Shame On You, Norwich

Boxing day last year I took a drive to Attleborough, 10 miles away, specifically to see their Christmas lights and blip them. Some years ago my job involved driving through the small town 2-3 times a week in the dark, and their Christmas lights never ceased to entrance me. For such a small town the council, and local residents, really go for it. Every year for several years Bri and I would take a drive there over Christmas so he could see them too. I'm still doing it even though he's not here now, it's something I'd really miss if I didn't do it as I no longer drive through there in connection with my work.
Last year's blip was really poor, as it was so windy. Yesterday was also windy so I decided to wait a day or two - and today's been pretty still so I grabbed the chance and drove out there at 5 pm. This blip's still not perfect but WAY better than last year's! It's the area of the small town 'green' almost opposite the church and forms the centre of the town, which runs in a roughly rectangular shape around the church. There are lights put up by hotels, shops, businesses and an old folks home all the way around the rectangle.
Attleborough's lights make the city of Norwich's look poor in comparison - SHAME ON YOU, NORWICH!

Even better viewed LARGE.

Even the church is lit up and has lights in the trees - the area I've blipped is on the opposite side of this road, at the bottom where the car headlights can be seen.

Here's the view down the road which runs parallel to the town green on the opposite side of the church.

The moon (full tomorrow night) looked beautiful so I grabbed a shot of that too.

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