"In the good old summertime..."

Dear Diary,

Well, it's official...it is finally summer!  We were so lucky with the weather for my party.  Although it was cloudy and windy for most of the afternoon no more rain fell.  I sort of knew it wouldn't since my piggy weather vane pointed resolutely to the north and rain only comes when he points south.  By the time guest began to roll in at 4pm the clouds were breaking and the sun came out.  I've added an extra of some of the guest playing croquet.

The main shot is a somewhat faffed version of the old ice cream stand at the end of my street.  It is not officially summer until it is open and I have my first cone!  My Chocolate Guinness Cupcakes with Bailey's Irish Cream frosting came out wonderfully and were enjoyed by all.  So, today the clean-up!

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