Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated

I love my Saturdays!

Took myself off to Starbucks at lunch to read my book. Unfortunately didn't get very far into my book before falling asleep! Oops!! A bit embarrassing - I don't think I was sleeping for very long - but when I woke my coffee was considerably colder! Ah well, that is what they get for having comfy seats and me applying plenty of heat cream on my back!

Came out of there and decided to go for a walk along The Water of Leith to get some water shots, having mastered the 'water setting' on the camera.
Got plenty shots but when I came up the steps onto the street I saw this 3 wheeled van. He was a French man with a French van selling his paintings. As you can see he was sitting inside his van with his paintings all around him. This was a completely different scene to see in Stockbridge and had me feeling I was in a European country. These ladies spent quite a while talking with him and looking at his paintings. I am a bit annoyed I didn't get his whole van but I was on the other side of the street and trying to capture him inbetween the traffic going past. I wasn't brave enough to cross the street and get a close up!

Have had this song on repeat all day - I love his album.

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