...on the third day of Christmas....

We got the ancients up early, fed and taken and put on the train by 10.30.

No rest for the wicked though....we had to be at a wedding by 12.00. B and S's youngest Laura was getting hitched.

Never been to a Methodist/Baptist wedding before....all very jolly....what my Mum called happy-clappy religion....but it was a nice service....and as you can see the bride looked stunning. Not sure the minister was totally on the ball....I've never known a couple have to do the vows twice!...I think he got a bit lost somewhere. The service was followed by a cake reception(tea and cakes) and then the wedding party went off for a more formal meal.

We followed on at 7.00....30 miles to a small but classy hotel......in the middle of nowhere.....there was a bar, a billiards room, a room with a band and a small dance floor, a sitting room and a reception room. Fireworks appeared outside at around 10.00 and food was served around 10.30....pitta bread pockets,salad, pork and chicken.

We left just before midnight........totally cream crackered....and fell into bed almost as we came through the door. The Boss is back at work tomorrow...I'm aiming for a rest!

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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