Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
It's been a strange sort of day. I thought I'd try photographing the lillies that were bought for me at the weekend, put them on the floor and caught one of the cushions of the conservatory settee. Even "Vanish" couldn't get out the stain from the stamens. Sigh!
My soup blew up in the microwave, which involved a deep clean.
A letter from Bedford hospital gives my survival rate from endometrial cancer as more than 80% for the next five years, so it's a good job I'm an optimist and am not even going to consider the less than 20%, particularly having bought a very expensive camera and lens just before Christmas. I still intend to wear clean undies every day in case I get run over by a bus.
On a cheerier note the post also delivered 5 metres of iron-on interfacing, half of which I have now ironed onto the back of the "hopefully" new cover for one of the chairs I've stripped down.
I thought this scene looked very "Titanic" and looks so much better in large view.
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