Sand Storm

As Kiwilizzie and Farmer Girl have both already mentioned, we had a lovely wee blipmeet/gab fest at the Rock Snot Cafe today - along with Dumbledorian and Ann (D and KL's mother). Talked lots of camera stuff, lots of general stuff and overall set the world to rights.

While we were there this wee sparrow was kicking up something of a sand storm. She dug herself quite a reasonable hole in the sand and proceeded to luxuriate in a dust bath. I probably could have done with my shutter speed slightly faster as I've not totally frozen the action.

To feel the impact of the flying sand, go large.

While we were there my lovely grandson and his Mum arrived so Sebastian and I had to go and have a paddle in the river as well - first time this season I've actually had my feet in the Buller. No doubt we will be back there a time or two over the next couple of days while he is here.

Red Barn tomorrow for his Granny treat - hot chips followed by an iceblock - who has his grandmother wrapped around his little finger? Hmmm.

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