Raring To Go (To Bed)
Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,
No, not like that. Rude.
There are lots of things I love about Murphy but his restlessness during the night when we are in Banchory is not one of them. I find it hard to match his enthusiasm for the day at 5 am when I have had very little sleep. It’s lucky he is so cute.
I actually had to go back to bed this afternoon. Not for a Nana nap but a proper 2 hour sleep without a paw on my face or a tail wagging against the wall!
Then I was nicely refreshed for the next round of eating and drinking which started with the last bottle of Christmas Sekt. Penny was all better and we had a lovely evening of chatting and playing cards.
Murphy is going to sleep bed downstairs. The Prince has to drive home tomorrow and it’s probably best if he stays awake behind the wheel!
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