A wetland wander

What else to do on a wet wet day than go wander in our local upland wetland. This is apparently one of our fastest disappearing habitats, so I make sure I make the effort to appreciate it when I can.
Today, despite the grey, it was vibrant with subtle colours and delicate beauty. There's also something quite childishly joyful in sloshing about in wellies.

So a day early for flower Friday I présent à wetland quiz; how many can you name?

Answers, clockwise from top left:

Dactylorhiza incarnata ssp. Pulchella - Early Marsh Orchid
Primula farinosa - Birds-eye Primrose
Erica tetralix  - cross-leaved heath heather, aka Bog Heather
Lychnis flos-cuculi - Ragged Robin
Pinguicula vulgaris - Common Butterwort
Menyanthese trifoliata - Bog Bean
Valariana dioica - Marsh Valarian
Pedicularis palustris - Marsh Lousewort

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