Rain again

We headed home from Sussex this morning trying to avoid the rain and heavy traffic. Success was intermittent!!

It has been a very worthwhile trip, in that we have seen my old friend whilst she is well enough to enjoy the company and share her thoughts. We have reminisced about old times and agreed on what she wants me to do for her in the future.

She has been told that she has very limited time, but as nurses we have questioned the accuracy of that, as she is pain free and remarkably well. We are pushing the boundaries and have agreed to meet up again a few weeks. Only time will tell if we got that right.....or just being hopeful:0)

We have left with good memories:0)

Home by late afternoon, having collected Amber on the way. She is full of excitement at being home.

Thank you for all the lovely comments on my Blip event yesterday. I do appreciate everyone’s kindness. I will be back to say thank you individually:0)

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