Doesn't this look nasty?

This afternoon I went for my walk in 'Hermitage of Braid'. I was zooming around all over the place but I was the bestest little collie ever. Every time Ann shouted, 'Trixie come', I came. Even when I was playing with a little pug type puppy I came when Ann shouted, 'Trixie come'. Ann was sooooo, sooooo pleased with me. I got lots of praise and lots of little sausage titbits. Yay!

But then......................... guess what happened?....................... There I was, walking home on my lead, in good dog mode, when I met a black lab that wanted to play with me. We had a bit of a sniff around each other and the black Labs owner thought I was very gorgeous but then she said to Ann, ' Your puppy's cut it's leg.' Well, Ann just about had a heart attack. She hadn't even noticed that there was loads of blood dripping from my leg.

While Ann was having her heart attack The Black Labs owner said, 'It's nothing to worry about. It's dry blood and she's obviously very happy and bouncy.'

When I got home Ann bathed my leg with some warm water and do you know what?....................... she couldn't even find a scratch on me.


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