A game of draughts

We actually made it into Appleby today, now that the Fair people have all gone. Our butcher said he hadn't seen any locals for a week and commented - we have our town back again. A massive clear up operation is now in place - lots of workers, trucks and bin bags in the fields and roads around. 

This inn sign has always intrigued me and it was on the building right where we parked. It is a late 17th century red sandstone building and is obviously a very old inn. It is permanently closed now and has been for a long while, but the sign is still there . . . and some pretty dodgy wiring by the look of it!

The name on the sign is A BOARD INN, but apparently it has gone under the names of A'BOARD INN and ABOARD INN. Although it looks as if the signwriter has taken the name literally and shown two guys with their tankards and draughts board, it is unlikely that the name was originally a reference to games boards. The Dictionary of Pub Names seems to suggest it could be a reference to the fact that the inn originally offered bed and board or that it was an invitation to 'come aboard', as in - 'come inside'. 

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