A packed day with an excellent government meeting that gave us some promising next steps. In the extremely rare moments that we weren’t working I grew increasingly frustrated at the coverage of Gove and this witch-hunt over the fact he snorted cocaine twenty years ago. I’m no drug user, nor have I ever felt more adamant that I’d rather jump off a cliff than vote Tory, but this media circus is directing its energies in all the wrong places. Firstly it seems hugely hypocritical given how rife casual drug-taking seems to be in certain circles, including in media and journalism. Secondly I couldn’t give a toss what people did 20+ years ago as we all change massively and learn how to exercise better judgement. Thirdly, and most importantly, I’d rather focus our collective energies on the fact that the runaway favourite to become the next Prime Minister is a man who has never displayed integrity or interest in equality. Why the hell do characters in his mould do so well in British political life? It really is quite a damning indictment of the status quo in the UK, and sad that someone can be held in high enough esteem to be elected as national leader despite a litany of scandals, gaffes and dismissals. I’ll find it a very depressing day if he is elected leader.
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