Something’s brewing ...
Strange day. Felt out of sorts when I got up with a headache then felt better; but on the way back from a shopping trip to Guildford I started feeling queasy and when we got home I just crashed and skipped supper. What my mum would have called "a funny turn" and thought no more of it. Anyway I’m fine now. And in true Brit fashion I made tea by way of a coping mechanism, although this is not a standard brew - something we picked up at a farm shop. Also of note - this was the first time I used the inverted aeropress method for making tea or coffee, which is beverage geek speak for making it upside down in a low tech plastic tube. But very effective.
Just realised that this is the third day in a row I’ve blipped glasses of dark red liquid that I’m in the process of consuming. At least this one is alcohol free ...
Mystic Em is back from America where she has been visiting her sister. Strider has been away overnight in Sussex. There always seem to be comings and goings in this house at the moment.
Days like this I’m very glad I only work a four day week now ...
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