Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Beer in the evening

TSM had a well earned rest this morning; I was pretty relaxed but did breakfast duty and a few domestics. Not sure where the day went after that but I confess to an afternoon nap at some point and then The Girl Racer FaceTimed from Canada. She looks fab and is all fired up for a seven day trek down the west side of Vancouver island with a couple of girlfriends. Among her supplies was dehydrated hummus, which I didn’t even know was a thing. TSM asked if she had a flare gun to fight off the crocodiles.

We went up to town to meet Maud and The Rogster in the evening. Some classically funny moments and some overpriced falafel, but then it was Mayfair. We had a nice walk back to Trafalgar Square afterwards and discovered one or two new views of how the other half lives. Been a while since I’ve wandered London after dark. Late by then so hopped on the tube to Waterloo and got the 11.35 train back to Woking. Noisy and boozy of course at that time of night, which I was more comfortable with than TSM who was particularly irritated by fast food smells and spent most of the journey home with the sleeve of her Cardigan pressed to her nose. Back in Woking it was even more low life with a lot of drunken noisy youth, a smashed bottle of red wine outside the station, and some pretty revolting take-away litter. Nothing like fried chicken and polystyrene boxes on the pavement to give a town a touch of class.

Other highlight of the day - reading Elif Shafak's "10 minutes and 38 seconds in this strange world." Really absorbing, beautifully written. About halfway through now.

This is a beer shot from a decent Mayfair pub that we ended up in. Been a good day.

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