Light Up The Sky Like A Flame

My Dear Princess & Dear Fellows,


Remind me of this the next time I'm tempted to put it on the telly would you? Every now and again, I think, "Oh hey, I'll put 'Fame' on the telly, Caro will enjoy all that 80's jigging about."

And inevitably it gets about 30 minutes in and I find myself thinking, "Eff me, this film is effing depressing considering the amount of leg-warmers it contains."

Apart from the above scene of youngsters dancing in the streets while whiny Bruno whinily whines about how it's his music, it's a REALLY depressing romp through the underbelly of New York. There's death, suicide attempts, homelessness, and exploitation. 

Eh? I didn't remember that. What happened to Doris, Danny and Leroy larking about? When are they going to take over a record shop and sing "Hi Fidelity Hi"?

Oh wait. That was the TV series*.

"I should have put on 'Xanadu'," I thought to myself. "At least that only contains Olivia Newton-John on roller skates."

But I never remember that. I only remember the scene above, because that's what they used to show on "Top of the Pops" every week. 

So next time I'm tempted to try Fame, remind me to put baby in the corner instead.

While I'm at it, please also remind me, that no matter how bad I think Sofia Coppola is in "The Godfather Part III", she is always much worse.

Thank you for that. Hopefully you've just saved me from heartbreak, depression and a Corleone family member who delivers lines with all the conviction of a stoned sloth. 


* For youthful readers, I should explain that The Kids From Fame were my generations S-Club 7**

** For really youthful readers, I should explain that S-Club 7 were complete bollocks.

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