When will I ever be toilet trained??????????????

A few Blippers have been asking Ann how my toilet training is going. The simple answer to that is.................... It's not!!!  Everything is going backwards rather than forwards and Ann is at the end of her tether with me. She doesn't know what to do and is getting very upset that she can't teach me how to become a perfect pooch.

Take today for example; I went to Dreghorn Woods for my walk this afternoon. I zoomed around all over the place and paddled in the burn. At 3.30pm I had a wee. Ann knows exactly what time it was because she records the time of all my wees in a book. Sad human! And we got home at about 4.15pm. I probably would have been taken out again around 6.30pm-ish but sometime between 5.20-5.30 I had the most massive wee on the living room floor. But Ann didn't see me doing it. So she couldn't tell me off.

Why do I do this? If I know not to poo indoors, why do I not know not to wee indoors?

Obviously Ann knew that toilet training a puppy in a 4th floor flat was never going to be easy, but we have a balcony. I'm allowed to use the balcony as a toileting place. The door is always open and I know if I'm desperate for a poo I can go out there. So why am I not clever enough to apply the same logic to my wees?????? I haven't poo-ed indoors since 30th March. I know, I know, too much information!

Do you know what?.............................. I've had two lovely long walks off lead today and my recall was brilliant. BUT........................ how can Ann be happy with me when I just squat down all over the place and wee???????????????????

…..........Anyway, guess what is happening tomorrow?............................... 'Padstowbabe' is coming to see me. Yay!  Padstowbabe is a vet so maybe she will have some good advice for Ann?!

PS – Ann's just been looking back through my 'wee' book. Sad human! It would appear that most of my indoor wee-ing occurs in the afternoon/evening. Is that relevant? Who knows?!! I have been known to go 12 hours without having a wee??!!


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